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Tips and Prevention Strategies for a Bug-Free Home

By | Pest Control


Bed bugs have become a growing concern in households around the world.

These elusive insects can infest your home without warning, causing discomfort, stress, and potential health issues.

To safeguard your living spaces and ensure a good night’s sleep, it’s crucial to implement effective bed bug prevention measures.

Understanding Bed Bugs

Before diving into prevention strategies, it’s essential to understand the enemy. Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals. Despite their name, these pests are not confined to beds; they can hide in cracks, crevices, and furniture throughout your home.

Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers, often catching rides on luggage, clothing, and used furniture.

Bed Bug Monitors

While practicing preventive measures, incorporating bed bug monitors into your strategy can provide an extra layer of protection.

Bed bug monitors are devices designed to attract and trap bed bugs, allowing you to detect their presence early on. These monitors come in various forms, including passive traps and active monitors.

Passive Traps

Passive traps are simple devices that exploit bed bugs’ natural behavior. They are placed strategically in areas prone to infestation, such as near the bed or other furniture. These traps use materials that attract bed bugs, encouraging them to enter and become trapped.

Regularly checking these traps allows for early detection, giving you the opportunity to address the issue before it escalates.

Active Monitors

Active monitors take prevention a step further by actively luring and trapping bed bugs. Some use heat, CO2, or other attractants to mimic a human presence, drawing bed bugs into the monitor.

Once inside, the insects are trapped, providing an effective means of monitoring and control.

Regular Cleaning and Decluttering

Maintaining a clean and clutter-free living space is a fundamental step in preventing bed bug infestations. Bed bugs thrive in cluttered environments, where they can easily find hiding spots.

Regularly vacuuming carpets, rugs, and upholstery, and keeping your living spaces tidy can help eliminate potential hiding places for bed bugs and make it easier to spot any signs of infestation.

To thoroughly clean your home, start by decluttering each room. Get rid of unnecessary items, organize your belongings, and dispose of items you no longer need. Vacuum all surfaces, paying special attention to cracks, crevices, and seams where bed bugs may hide. Use a crevice tool to reach tight spaces, and empty the vacuum bag or canister in an outdoor trash bin to prevent bed bugs from re-infesting your home.

Inspect Secondhand Furniture

One common way bed bugs enter homes is through used furniture. Before bringing any secondhand items into your home, thoroughly inspect them for signs of bed bugs. Pay close attention to seams, folds, and crevices where these pests like to hide.

If you’re unsure about the origin of a piece of furniture, consider treating it with heat or a bed bug spray before bringing it inside.

When purchasing used furniture, exercise caution and perform a detailed inspection. Look for live bed bugs, shed exoskeletons, fecal stains, or tiny blood spots on the furniture.

If possible, ask the seller about the furniture’s history and whether they’ve had any issues with bed bugs. If in doubt, it may be safer to choose new furniture to reduce the risk of introducing bed bugs into your home.

Use Mattress and Furniture Encasements

Bed bugs are notorious for hiding in mattresses and box springs. To prevent infestations, invest in high-quality mattress and box spring encasements. These protective covers create a barrier that prevents bed bugs from entering or escaping, making it easier to detect and eliminate an infestation before it spreads.

Choose encasements that are specifically designed for bed bug protection and are labeled as “bed bug proof” or “bed bug certified.” These encasements should fully enclose the mattress and box spring, with a zipper that has small teeth to prevent bed bugs from escaping.

Regularly inspect the encasements for tears or damage, and replace them if necessary.

Be Cautious When Traveling

Travel is a common source of bed bug infestations, as these pests can hitch a ride on luggage and clothing. When staying in hotels or other accommodations, inspect the room for signs of bed bugs, such as small reddish-brown stains on bedding, mattress seams, and furniture.

Use luggage racks and keep your suitcase off the floor to minimize the risk of bringing bed bugs home with you.

Before checking into a hotel, thoroughly inspect the mattress, box spring, and surrounding areas for signs of bed bugs. Use a flashlight to check seams, folds, and crevices. If you notice any suspicious signs, request a different room, preferably one that is not adjacent to the infested room.

Upon returning home, unpack your luggage outside, and wash your clothes immediately using hot water and high heat in the dryer.

Launder and Heat Treat Clothing

If you suspect you’ve been in an environment with bed bugs, take precautions with your clothing. Wash and dry your clothes on the highest heat settings, as bed bugs are sensitive to high temperatures. This can help eliminate any hitchhiking bed bugs and their eggs, preventing them from infesting your home.

To effectively eliminate bed bugs from clothing, follow these steps:

Separate infested items: If you suspect that certain items are infested, separate them from the rest of your laundry to prevent cross-contamination.

Use high heat: Wash your clothes in hot water, and dry them on the highest heat setting. The heat is crucial for killing bed bugs and their eggs.

Inspect and clean luggage: If you’ve traveled and used luggage, thoroughly inspect it for any signs of bed bugs. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the interior, paying close attention to seams and pockets.

Consider professional cleaning: If you’ve encountered a severe infestation or are unsure about effectively treating your clothing, consider taking items to a professional cleaner experienced in dealing with bed bugs.

Regularly Inspect and Clean Bedding

Since bed bugs are often found in and around beds, it’s crucial to regularly inspect and clean your bedding. Wash sheets, pillowcases, and blankets in hot water and dry them on high heat to eliminate any potential bed bugs.

Be vigilant for signs of bed bugs, such as tiny dark stains on bedding or mattress seams, and address any issues promptly.

Develop a routine for inspecting and cleaning your bedding to catch potential bed bug issues early.

Consider the following steps:

Remove and inspect bedding: Strip the bed of all bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and mattress covers. Inspect each item for signs of bed bugs, such as small reddish-brown stains or shed exoskeletons.

Vacuum the mattress and surrounding area: Use a vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool to thoroughly vacuum the mattress, box spring, and surrounding areas. Pay attention to seams, folds, and crevices where bed bugs may hide.

Wash bedding in hot water: Launder all bedding items in hot water, using the highest heat setting that is safe for the fabric. This step is crucial for killing any bed bugs or eggs that may be present.

Inspect and clean bed frame: Examine the bed frame, headboard, and footboard for signs of bed bugs. Vacuum these areas and use a brush attachment to remove any bed bug eggs.

Consider mattress steam cleaning: For an extra layer of protection, consider using a steam cleaner on your mattress and upholstery. The high temperatures generated by steam can kill bed bugs and their eggs.

Employ Natural Repellents

Certain natural substances are known to repel bed bugs, helping to keep them at bay. Essential oils such as lavender, tea tree, and peppermint are believed to have bed bug-repelling properties.

Create a solution by mixing a few drops of these oils with water and spray it around your home, especially in areas prone to infestations. While not a foolproof method, natural repellents can complement other prevention strategies.

While natural repellents can be a valuable addition to your bed bug prevention arsenal, it’s important to note that they may not provide complete protection on their own. Combine the use of essential oils with other preventive measures for a comprehensive approach.

Regular Professional Pest Inspections

Regular inspections by professional pest control services can be an effective proactive measure to prevent bed bug infestations. Pest control experts have the knowledge and tools to identify early signs of bed bugs and can provide targeted treatments if needed.

Consider scheduling annual or bi-annual inspections, especially if you live in an area with a history of bed bug issues.

When selecting a pest control company, consider their experience with bed bug detection and treatment, customer reviews, and any guarantees or warranties they offer. It’s advisable to choose a reputable and licensed pest control service to ensure effective and safe interventions.

Implementing a combination of these bed bug prevention strategies can significantly reduce the risk of infestation in your home. From regular cleaning and decluttering to using protective encasements and being cautious while traveling, taking these steps can create a bed bug-resistant environment.

Stay vigilant, educate yourself about bed bug behavior, and make prevention a priority to ensure a peaceful and bug-free living space.

Implementing Structured Data to Enhance SEO for Pest Control: How to Use Schema Markup to Improve Search Engine Visibility

By | Uncategorized


Are you looking to boost your pest control business’s online visibility?

Learn how to use schema markup to improve your search engine optimization (SEO). By implementing structured data, you can enhance your website’s performance and increase your chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages.

This article will guide you through the basics of schema markup and provide you with best practices for optimizing your structured data for SEO success.

Get ready to take your online presence to the next level!

 The Basics of Structured Data

If you want to improve your search engine visibility, you need to understand the basics of structured data. This is especially important for local pest control businesses looking to attract more customers online.

Structured data refers to the organized format of information on a website, which helps search engines better understand and categorize the content. By implementing structured data, you can provide search engines with important details about your business, such as your location, contact information, services offered, and customer reviews. This enables search engines to display more relevant and accurate information in search results, increasing your visibility and attracting targeted traffic.

However, there are common mistakes to avoid when implementing structured data for pest control websites, such as using incorrect schema types or failing to regularly update the data. By understanding the importance of structured data and avoiding these mistakes, you can effectively enhance your SEO efforts and boost your online presence.

Understanding Schema Markup for Pest Control

To understand Schema Markup for pest control, familiarize yourself with its use in categorizing and organizing information on websites. Schema Markup is a form of structured data that helps search engines understand and display content in a more meaningful way.

For pest control websites, Schema Markup can provide valuable information about the services offered, such as the types of pests treated, methods used, and customer reviews. It can also help dispel common pest control misconceptions by providing accurate and reliable information.

Key Benefits of Implementing Structured Data

The key benefits of implementing structured data for pest control websites include:

Improved search engine visibility and increased targeted traffic. By utilizing structured data, you can enhance your website’s performance in organic search results, leading to a higher ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

This increased visibility allows your website to attract more organic traffic, which refers to the number of visitors who find your website through organic search results.

Implementing structured data also improves click-through rates (CTR) on SERPs, as it provides additional information and enhances the appearance of your website in search results.

This increased CTR can lead to higher levels of targeted traffic, as users are more likely to click on your website when it stands out among other search results.

 How to Implement Schema Markup for Your Pest Control Website

To implement schema markup for your pest control website and further enhance its performance in search engine results, you can follow these steps.

– First, identify the specific types of schema markup that are relevant to your pest control services. For example, you can use the LocalBusiness schema to highlight your business details, such as name, address, and phone number.

– Next, use the Service schema to provide detailed information about the pest control services you offer, including descriptions, prices, and availability.

– Additionally, consider using the FAQ schema to address common questions and concerns about pest control.

When implementing schema markup, it’s important to avoid common mistakes such as:

– Using incorrect or incomplete markup

– Duplicating markup across multiple pages

– Neglecting to regularly update and maintain the markup.

Best Practices for Optimizing Structured Data for SEO

When optimizing structured data for SEO, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure maximum search engine visibility and improve your pest control website’s performance. One of the key best practices is conducting thorough keyword research. By understanding the keywords that your target audience is using to search for pest control services, you can optimize your structured data to align with those keywords. This will help search engines better understand the content of your website, increasing the likelihood of your website appearing in relevant search results.

Another best practice is to create compelling meta descriptions using structured data. Meta descriptions provide a brief summary of your webpage in search engine results, and by incorporating structured data, you can enhance the appearance and relevance of these descriptions. Use keywords strategically in your meta descriptions to entice users to click on your website and increase your click-through rates.

In conclusion, implementing structured data and schema markup on your pest control website is crucial for improving search engine visibility. By organizing and labeling your content with relevant schema, you can enhance your website’s appearance in search results and attract more targeted traffic.

This can lead to higher rankings, increased visibility, and ultimately, more potential customers for your pest control business. Make sure to follow best practices and regularly optimize your structured data for maximum SEO benefits.

Organic Pest Control: How to Keep Your Property Free of Unwanted Guests

By | Pest Control


What is Organic Pest Control?

Organic pest control is a type of pest management that relies on natural solutions rather than synthetic pesticides and insecticides to prevent damage caused by pests. This means that instead of relying on toxic chemicals – which can be dangerous for people and the environment – a holistic approach is taken to manage pests.

A variety of different methods are used in organic pest control, including physical barriers such as screens and fences, biological controls such as introducing “natural enemies” into an ecosystem to help contain pests, and non-toxic repellents that discourage pests from entering your property.

Benefits of Organic Pest Control

  • It is safe for people, pets, wildlife, and the environment.
  • There are no long-term adverse effects.
  • It can be used in places where chemicals would not be accepted (such as schools or hospitals).
  • It makes use of natural resources instead of relying on synthetic chemicals.
  • It helps maintain biodiversity around your property.
  • It reduces the cost associated with traditional chemical treatments.
  • Lower toxicity levels make it easier to handle when dealing with larger infestations.

Tips for Implementing Organic Pest Control

  • Inspect your home regularly; look for signs such as droppings or gnaw marks that may indicate the presence of unwanted guests.
  • Seal off any cracks or gaps in walls and windows where pests might enter. Weatherstripping should also be applied around doors and window frames.
  • Remove sources of food or water that may attract insects indoors; store food in airtight containers in a cool location out of reach from pests such as cockroaches or ants.
  • Remove waste frequently from areas near your building since many insects will feed on decaying matter such as grass clippings or fallen leaves.
  • Plant insect-repellent plants like marigolds near doorways or windowsills; these emit smells that discourage certain insects from entering your home or business premises.


pigeon pest control

Bird Pest Control – How to Get Rid of Birds

By | Pest Control

bird pest control

Bird pest control is essential for preventing the spread of diseases. In addition to damaging crops and finished surfaces, their droppings can harbor bacteria and parasites. This makes them a serious problem. Luckily, there are many effective ways to get rid of birds. These methods include netting, spikes, gels, and liquids.

Bird droppings carry parasites and bacteria

The droppings of nuisance birds are a major concern because they carry bacteria and parasites that can affect people. In addition, their droppings can end up on your food and water supply. To prevent further infection, wear protective clothing when cleaning bird droppings. Several kinds of disease-causing bacteria and parasites have been found in bird droppings.

Several diseases can be transmitted to humans by bird droppings, including Histoplasmosis and Cryptococcosis. In addition, accidental ingestion of bird feces can cause gastroenteritis. Because of the risk of infection, birds should not be allowed in food-handling areas of grocery stores and other retail establishments. In some places, even one infected bird can shut down a food facility. People should also practice good hand washing to avoid contacting these feces.

They can damage finished surfaces

Bird pests are a major nuisance and can cause a large amount of damage to finished surfaces and structures. Their droppings are extremely acidic and can eat away at paint and other building materials. In addition to this, their nests can also cause issues with ventilation and mould. Not to mention the potential for fires, especially in chimneys. Bird pests are also a nuisance to humans and pets.

Getting rid of bird pests can be tricky, but it’s definitely possible to protect your finished surfaces. Bird pest control specialists can help you determine whether your project is susceptible to pest bird infestations and take appropriate deterrent measures. Whether your project is large or small, it’s important to get rid of these pesky pests before they cause significant damage to your structure.

They can contaminate livestock food

Bird pests can be particularly problematic for livestock producers, as their faecal matter can contaminate stored feed and cause disease. Birds are omnivorous, and the faeces of wild birds and rodents are a major source of pathogens associated with livestock diseases. In one study, feed stored on four farms in east Scotland was monitored monthly for two years. The researchers found that, on average, 79.9 rodent (95% confidence interval: 37.5-165) and 24.9 bird faeces (25.9%) were deposited in each m2 of stored feed over the winter. In this way, individual cattle and sheep may come into contact with as much as 814 and 1626 faeces per day during the winter, respectively.

Birds are also an important part of our ecosystems, recycling nutrients from the soil and providing important pest control for crops and livestock. However, due to habitat loss and pesticide use, bird populations are declining. Therefore, managing and protecting their populations is essential. One of the best ways to deal with bird problems is to implement integrated pest management, a process of integrating pest management and wildlife management. This method will enable farmers to properly manage the population of birds in a farming operation.

They can damage crops

Birds can cause substantial crop damage, and controlling them is critical for successful farming. The best way to control birds is to understand the biology of the pests and how they interact with the environment. For instance, you should consider the time of year and the maturity of the crop, as these factors may affect the frequency of infestations. You should also focus control efforts on high-risk areas.

Crop damage can be caused by a variety of bird species, including crows and magpies. Corvids, such as hooded crows (Corvus cornix) and magpies (Pica pica), are the most common taxa responsible for maize damage. In addition, semi-domestic pigeons can sometimes damage crops.

They can attract insects and other pests

Insects are a favorite meal for many birds, but you might have no idea that birds can attract pests. Insect-eating birds can be helpful in a number of ways. They eat small insects, including mosquitoes and flies, and they can deter pests in a number of ways. To attract these pest-controlling birds, try creating habitats where these birds can feed.

Insects cause damage to plants and gardens. Birds can control insect damage by eating garden pests. Try to attract insect-eating birds to your garden by planting flowers and adding structures. Not only will you get beautiful birds, you’ll also get rid of pesky garden pests.


Tips for Bed Bugs in the Office

By | Pest Control

Tips for Bed Bugs in the Office from our friends at Pest Control London.
Although bed bugs are typically thought to be a household pest, they can hitchhike with people to their places of employment. In fact, in a recent survey by the NPMA, 17% of pest control professionals indicated that they have encountered bed bugs in office buildings. When surveyed a few years ago, less than 1% had found them in office buildings. Here are the NPMA’s tips to prevent bringing bed bugs home from the workplace:

Vacuum and clean all areas – including offices, hallways, lobbies, kitchens, storefronts and public bathrooms on a daily basis.
Regularly inspect all areas of business for signs of bed bug infestations at work. Pay close attention to the seams of furniture and upholstery for telltale brownish or reddish spots. Also beware that these pests have been known to inhabit electrical sockets, surge protectors and behind picture frames. Vigilance by all employees is key!

Eliminate clutter as best as possible – especially in storage areas as this provides excellent hiding spots for bed bugs in the office.
When unpacking new inventory or receiving shipments, carefully inspect all items and packaging for signs of bed bugs before bringing them into your business.
Encourage employees to report suspicions of bed bug activity immediately, and always contact a pest professional to investigate each claim.

Have a policy in place for employees who may suspect a bed bug infestation at home. Many times, employees unknowingly bring these bed bugs into the office. By having an open dialogue and official policy on these pest infestations, you may be able to help remove any concern about honest reporting.
If a bed bug infestation is found, work with a professional pest control company to treat the infestation and perform follow-up inspections.

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What to consider when looking to Hire a Pest Professional

By | Pest Control, Uncategorized

Not all Pest Control Companies are the Same

Whether you are looking for a one-time treatment or ongoing service, we are eager to earn your business. Our goal is NOT to be the biggest pest control company Centralia IL. Instead, we choose to provide an unmatched level of service putting the customer at the center of everything we do. We handle all types of pests Including rodents, bees, pigeons. In addition to common insects, we put an extra focus on termites. These are pests that people do not think about until there is a major problem.

Approach to Pest Control

Keep your home and business in Mt Vernon pest-free with our professional services. We work with you to rid your home of mice, rats, termites, scorpions, bees, cockroaches, ants, and birds to name a few. Our termite services come with a warranty.  No more giant upfront bills. you can pay an affordable rate to have the peace of mind that your home and business is kept termite-free

Commercial Pest Control

Is it time you take back your home or business?  If you have a restaurant business, you know how important it is to keep on top of pests.  The health department does not mess around with pest filled restaurants.  Allow us to set you up on a monthly maintenance program where you will never have to worry about anyone seeing any pests inside your restaurant again. We work with commercial business owners as well as residents to prevent and actively seek out the pests.

Pest Control Centralia IL

Are you looking for pest control in Centralia?  Centralia is a wonderful place to live and work, but just like any other place on the planet, there are pests. You are probably familiar with unwanted visitors like the black widow spiders and scorpions. In other words, due to our high temperatures and despite our dry climate, many people deal with bugs and other insects year around. Getting rid of scorpions and other insects inside and around your home does not have to be complicated. If you are getting your home serviced regularly by a quality exterminator, you can expect to see a dramatic decrease in roaches and other insects inside and around your home.

Southern IL Exterminator (The Takeaway)

Not all local pest control companies or exterminators are the same. Consequently, their service, pricing and value vary greatly. In short, finding the right professional for your pest control shouldn’t be difficult. However, you want to make sure to do your research. Be sure to ask questions and look at their online reputation. Any exterminator that is in nowadays will be on Google, and Facebook.  There will be reviews about their business in different areas. Those will help you determine if the pest control company you’re interested in does what they say they will do. Above all, you want a company that has great reviews and a great reputation.


Contributed by: Pest repeller store – Foremost Experts in Insects and all things pest control related.


How to Keep Ants Out of Your Home?

By | Insect Exterminator, Pest Control

Finding ants inside your home is pretty unhygienic. They carry bacteria and come in contact with your food. Their army of little soldiers can even harm humans, but only a few species. Fire and Harvester ants may bite humans, whereas the Carpenter ants are more interested in your buildings. The first infestation will be invisible, and most active in summers. Live ants, pathways, and ant nests are signs of ant infestation. In such a case, it is advised to call in a pest control expert to do the work for you. However, if you are at your home in New Smyrna Beach and you find any initial stages of infestation, there are some things you could do.

Keeping the Home Clean

Make sure that your kitchen slab and dining room are free from waste food particles. Using only the dining hall to have food is a good practice to follow as well.

Keep your Food Isolated

Prevention is better than cure. Cutting of food supply is the best way to control any pest infestation. At home, this is rather simple. Isolate every food from open surroundings. Make sure that you are closing your tin cans and always cover your food before leaving. Without any mode to access food, ants will not like your home.

Sealing Entry Points

This method is most effective for any possible ant infestations. Make sure that you seal off any entry point of the ants. If you have identified a hole, make sure that you search for any nearby holes that they might use as an alternative.

Chalk, aka Calcium Carbonate

Even though still a mystery, chalk lines do stop ants. Using calcium carbonate powder at the entry point makes sure that the ants don’t get into the house. But, make sure that these chalks are not within the reach of children.


Citrus Acid

Lemon and Orange are great sources for citrus acid. Washing the floor and stuffing the entry point with peels of lemon and orange is another effective method. Ants do not like sour and bitter. So, anything sour and bitter will keep the ants away.


Spread the pepper powder or spray it after mixing with water at entrant areas. Ants love sugar and hate pepper. Even though pepper is not lethal for ants, it can make sure that the ants won’t return.

Even though these techniques are successful, there is no guarantee that the ant infestation is over. If you are worried over an infestation at your home or business at New Smyrna Beach, get assistance from pest control.



Container fumigation

Why is Container Pest Control So Important?

By | Insect Exterminator, Pest Control

Why is Container Pest Control So Important?

There are many companies that specialize in the transport of goods from one country to another. These companies can include:

Shipping Containers Companies: These are the companies that own and operate the container shipping systems. Container shipping companies can provide the means for people to safely transport goods from one point to another without having to be worried about transporting hazardous materials. In some cases, shipping containers can be used to safely transport hazardous materials between land-based facilities. If a hazardous material is transported by container then it will be kept separate from its source.

Cargo Companies: Cargo companies can be hired by large companies to move their products between locations. For small companies, cargo companies can be used to transport goods. Many cargo companies may also offer services like loading and unloading goods onshore or at a location other than the port.

Land-based cargo companies: Some land-based cargo companies offer cargo services to private individuals as well. They can provide the transportation for any type of goods. Although most land-based cargo companies do not ship goods to or from foreign countries, they have the capability to transfer goods from a destination to an offshore storage facility.

Fumigating Cargo Container


Freight Forwarders: Freight forwarders are companies that offer the transportation of goods on a commercial basis. These companies can ship a variety of products such as: cars, aircraft, livestock, machinery, and other items. Freight companies typically own or lease large warehouses, which allows them to ship products internationally. They may even provide services that include container pest control. A variety of freight companies offer these services.

Container pest control, called fumigation, is used in many different types of businesses across the world. Expert fumigation has become very popular in the transportation industry. Pest control is often provided by companies that operate within a specific geographical region, or a company that offers specialized services such as pest management.

Container pest control is often provided by companies that operate within a specific geographical region, or a company that offers specialized services such as pest management. Container pest control can be provided by companies that operate within a specific geographical region, or a company that offers specialized services such as pest management.

There are a number of companies that offer this service. It is important to choose the correct service company. There are a number of different companies that offer pest control. The Pest control companies that specialize in container pest control offer services. These companies will often offer pest control to individuals and companies who have a need for pest control services.

Pest control is used for a variety of reasons, including controlling pests in agricultural areas, residential areas, hotels, offices, schools, and more. One of the biggest benefits of pest control is that the cost of using this service is extremely low. The process of pest control is also very safe. Many people consider the process to be safe since the work is done in a controlled environment and many chemicals are non-toxic. Since pest control is performed in controlled environments, it is extremely safe.


Contributed by :   foremost experts in all things pest related.


Top 5 USA Cities Termites Love to Eat

By | Pest Control

Termites Pest Control

When winter leaves, the bugs usually arrive. Warm and temperate climates are a big help for insects looking to survive and replicate their little insect bodies all over town. Termites are no exception, and if you live in or have been to one of these cities, you’ve been to one of the five most termite-ridden cities in the USA.

Miami, Florida

The start of Dexter’s haunting title credits always begins with a close-up of Dexter slapping away a mosquito, and it’s little wonder since the show is set in Miami, Florida. Boasting a perfect mix of heat and humidity, this idyllic retirement city is also the national leader in termite infestations. The exotic, warm climate drives the little buggers mad, so it’s not just the elderly looking to make a life in the capital of Florida.

Los Angeles, California

Another heat-filled urban landscape, LA is also prone to quite a lot of rainfall that affects the swarming behavior of most termites.

Tampa, Florida

Coming in at #3 is another Floridian location, Tampa. Humid and subtropical like Miami, this sprawling city also experiences high rainfall followed by intense hot periods – an ideal climate for termite clusters to emerge.

New York, New York

What the Big Apple lacks in heat, it makes up for with PLENTY of moisture. The grime and gritty filth of NY attracts bugs and pests of all shapes and sizes. “What termites need most in life is moisture and New York has no shortage of water. Warmth is less of a need, but it sure doesn’t hurt as their colony sizes and foraging range increase with temperature. That said, New York still gets warm enough during the spring and summer months,” said Glen Ramsey, an entomologist with Orkin. “Lastly, New York’s building construction is aging, which allows for settlement cracks to develop and allow termite entry.”

New Orleans, Louisiana

It’s not just the wooden beads from Mardi Gras that attract termites to N’Awlins. Another subtropical location, New Orleans doesn’t get much of a winter so there’s really not a lot to scare or kill off termites. So maybe go for the plastic beads, just to be safe…

Don’t live in the USA? Termites are destructive all around the world. Brazil has over 500 species alone! One of our friends in Australia, Pest Alert who perform termite treatments in Dubbo, tells of a story where termites cut the power to a major hospital in Sydney once.

Telltale Signs of Termites in Your Home

By | Pest Control

Termites. Just the very name of the wood-eating pests is enough to instill fear into the heart of the most seasoned homeowner. 

And for good reason; in the United States these insects do more damage to homes in a year than all-natural disasters combined. Let that sink in for a minute – we’re talking more wood damage than floods, fire, earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes cause. 

Look, we don’t want to scare you. What we do want is to arm you with tips on how to recognize whether your home has termites because early detection is the key to beating the blighters for good (and for cheap). 

Termite expert Peter from Pest Alert, a Dubbo pest control company, tells of a story where a termite colony in a Sydney hospital shorted out the wiring causing a major blackout.

Below are a few signs to keep an eye on: 



Flying swarmers: Seeing an unusual number of flying insects lately? Some termite species swarm at night, others in daylight, and some after rain, so keep a whether eye on the air around your home, or alternatively, look for discarded wings around possible nest entry points. 

Mud tubes: Termites build horizontal and vertical shelter tubes out of saliva, dirt, and wood particles. They are usually about the width of a pencil and commonly found on foundation walls or slabs, crawl space piers, attics, and floor joists. If you stumble across a suspicious looking tube, break a piece off the end. If it’s miraculously repaired later then you friend, have an active termite colony.

Floor blisters: If your floorboards look blistered and are showing signs of bubbling like water damage it could be a sign the insects are in or under your floors. 

Hollow wood: This one is pretty self-explanatory. If once-solid wood is now hollow it’s best to book a call and get your home assessed for termites.

Pharaoh Ant Control and Prevention

By | Pest Control

The pharaoh ant is a tiny, yellowish to light brown, nearly transparent ant that’s become a major indoor pest all over the world. Pharaoh ants feed on proteins, fats and sweets and fats; when choosing the best bait for pharaoh ants, consider using protein, sugar and grease based baits. Every morning, the colony will send out scouts to search for food. When a scout finds it, it will return to the nest, and several other ants will follow the scout back to the food. Soon after, a large group of ants will descend on the food. This is why bait for pharaoh ants is most effective; you can poison the entire colony in a very short amount of time.


Pharaoh Ants have a short life-span; worker ans only live for 10 weeks or less, and the queen may live as long as 40 weeks. The ants will grow from egg to adulthood in 45 days. If you keep baiting the colony, it should be completely eradicated within a few weeks.

Where Pharaoh Ants Nest

Tiny Pharaoh ants can nest nearly anywhere, but they like warm places. They keep their nests well hidden, and they can search for food quite far from the nest. They’ll mark their trails with pheromones. Indoors they can nest inside the walls, inside of electrical outlets, under your appliances, and under the carpet. If you disturb the colony, or if the colony grows too large, they could move.

  • Inside they are usually found in the kitchen and bathrooms, but workers are also commonly seen trailing along window sills and baseboards. They are seen traveling along plumbing or electrical wires, going from room to room.


  • Look inside inside curtain rods, behind walls and baseboards and under the cabinets.


  • You may see their trails, but their nest may not be nearby. You’ll rarely find their real nest.


  • You may see them near water sources like sinks, toilets, and drains. They’ll also be on your countertops.


  • Pharaoh Ants can also build a colony outdoors, then come inside in search of food.


  • You can find them outside if there is a good source of water, such as a sprinkler system. They may also nest under an evaporative cooler, where the water drips.

Getting Rid of Pharoah Ants

Baiting is the best way to kill the entire colony. Choose both sugar-based and protein/grease-based ant baits. Using sprays or dust can cause the ant colony to divide up into smaller colonies. This will simply multiply the number of Pharaoh ant colonies, and consequently, increase the ant problem.

Pharoah Ants can be persistent, suddenly popping up all over the place. When you place the baits, consider that the ants will change their locations. Also, when choosing your ant bait, get slow-acting bait. Fast-kill baits will only kill the foraging worker ants; if they die too quickly, the worker ants won’t take the bait home to the queen and the others waiting to be fed in the nest.

If the bait you’re using is not effective, you’ll need to change baits. You can try a different brand, or switch the different types of bait around to different locations. Also, you must remove any other food nearby when baiting; don’t leave out any pet food or fruit. Likewise, leave the bait undisturbed once the ants find it and start feeding on it.

Pharaoh ants can be a persistent and determined pest, so be patient. It may take a few weeks for the bait to completely wipe out the colony. If the ant problem persists, don’t hesitate to call a professional exterminator.


contributed by: Pest Repeller – foremost expects in Insects and pest control.

Smart Ways to Seal your Doors from Bugs

By | Bug Killer, Pest Control

Creepy crawlers are no welcome sight inside any home. After a long hard day spent in the outdoors, you hastily head home to find some warmth, rest, and shelter away from the cold. It’s no different for bugs. They, too, want a little bit of that warmth, food, and comfort. The only problem here is that they have to force their way into your space to find what they’re looking for.

Any serious homeowner will have none of it. Bugs are not only unsightly, but they carry with them germs that may cause serious health issues for you and other people in your household. To get rid of bugs you must have used every option in the book. Are you almost running out of ways to get bugs to stay out of your home?

Why don’t you try these smart ways to seal your doors first?

  • Add a Screen Door

During warmer seasons, you can’t help but keep your door open during the day. This allows fresh air into your home and keeps the place cool. Sadly, such weather is also peak season for insects and bugs to breed and explore. So, how do you enjoy the cool air without letting the bugs in? Enter screen door. A screen door is an excellent way to keep mosquitos, spiders, fleas and other pests out while at the same time enjoying fresh air.

A fine mesh and simple tools and a little DIY experience are all it takes to install the screen door. Inspect your screen door every couple of months to ensure that it does not develop tears. Should you notice even the smallest tear, immediately repair it to continue enjoying a bug-free indoor experience.

  • Install Sealing on Your Door

When you lock your door, do you notice small spaces or gaps next to the hinges or under the door right above the floor? These are ideal access points through which bugs can enter your home. A door sweep or aluminum threshold at the bottom is a good installation to help effectively keep bugs out.

A clear seal kit surrounding the perimeter of your door is another superb option. It ensures the joints, spaces, and gaps on the door frame are completely sealed.

For this method to work, the door must always remain shut. If you keep forgetting to shut the door whenever the kids are out or whenever you’re out basking in the yard, consider installing a hydraulic door closer to do the job for you.


  • Spray your Doorway with Essential Oils

Essential oils made from herbs such as peppermint, lavender, cinnamon, thyme, and lemon eucalyptus are perfect for keeping bugs and all manner of insects off your property. Their strong smell is sweet to humans but unbearable for insects like spiders, mites, fleas, and so on.

Mix the oil with a bit of water to increase its consistency and make it easier to spray. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and generously spray around your door and other openings. Don’t forget to spray the doorstep as well.

  • Repair Cracks at the Exit or Entryways

Have you experienced harsh weather lately? Flash floods, strong winds, and storms take place often in the UK.  Your home may look strong on the outside, but due to harsh weather and lack of proper maintenance, it may develop signs of weakness like cracks. Cracks and crevices, however small make the perfect place for cockroaches, mites, slugs, and other bugs to hide in and even breed.

Conduct routine inspections on your exit and entry doorways every once in a while to see if you can find cracks, gaps, or holes. If you do, waste no time sealing them. If you find it difficult or you’re missing some of the tools needed to get the job done, contact a reputable pest control and maintenance company to help you out.

  • Make your Door Way Inviting to Bug Predators

Do you find the methods listed above as being too difficult to implement? If yes, you will love this option because of how effortless it is. Bats, birds and small reptiles love making a good meal out of bugs. But how do you get them to come to your home? How about installing a bird feeder or growing a tree or a bush where birds can build their nests? You could also build a bat house close to your front door? Or maybe raise a gecko, a lizard, or a chameleon as a pet.

This solution works as a splendid long term measure to make sure bugs do not exist anywhere around your home.


Bug proofing your home and, more importantly, your doors doesn’t have to be difficult, expensive, and time-consuming. Above are several tricks you can use to keep your doors sealed tight. Finally, you can rest easy and enjoy some peace in your own home with no four, six or eight-legged intruders raiding your space. For more information checkout the pest control tip for residents by Pest Exterminators.

Contributed by : – foremost experts in all things pest control